About the Journal

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All new submissions should now be registered and submitted through our new platform. Please click on the following link to proceed: AJMI New Submission Link.  
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ASEAN Journal of Management & Innovation (AJMI)

 ASEAN Journal of Management & Innovation (AJMI) is indexed in Thailand Citation Index (TCI, Tier 2) journal and ASEAN Citation Index (ACI) journal available online.

 ISSN 2351-0307 

Website: ajmi.stamford.edu

We urge all researchers, scholars, and students to visit our website for pertinent articles from local and international contributors that can be useful for their own research.  


The goal of AJMI is to publish insightful, original and timely research that describes or potentially impacts management and/or innovation within the ASEAN context.  AJMI is multidisciplinary in scope and encourages interdisciplinary research. The journal welcomes submissions in all topics related to management, as well as topics related to innovation; regardless of discipline or subject area.

Topics that are either distinctly ASEAN-related or regional or international in scope, but of relevance to ASEAN readers are encouraged. In addition to empirical research, AJMI accepts conceptual papers as well as papers that provide new insights into previous work and/or conventional wisdom. Also accepted are structured/systematic literature reviews that follow a specific methodology. Manuscripts that are simply literature reviews are generally discouraged.

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:  

  • Management & Marketing
  • Finance, Banking & Accounting
  • Human Resource Management
  • International Business Management
  • Project Management
  • Technology and Innovation Management
  • Operations & Supply Chain Management
  • Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Business Ethics


Twice a year publication:

  • First Issue: January – June (submission deadline in March).
  • Second Issue: July – December (submission deadline in August).


All submissions and correspondence should be sent to ajmi@stamford.edu

A strong standard of English is expected, which means that authors who are non-native speakers may need to have their articles proofread by a qualified person prior to submitting them to AJMI.

Articles must be submitted electronically in Word format. To submit a paper, go to the Journal Management System at ajmi.stamford.edu and register as an author(s), and upload the file containing the paper.

Articles will be accepted to a maximum of 5,000 words (not including references).

Submission of an article to AJMI implies a commitment by the author(s) to publish in the journal.

In submitting an article to AJMI, the author(s) vouches that the article has neither been published, nor accepted for publication, nor is currently under review at any other location, including as a conference paper. If the article is under review elsewhere, it will be withdrawn from the submission list.

In addition, the author(s) also agree that the article shall not be placed under review elsewhere while the review process at AJMI is ongoing.

If the article is accepted for publication, the author’s further guarantees not to withdraw it for submission to publish elsewhere.  

AJMI does not collect any processing or publication fees.


AJMI uses a “double-blind peer review system,” meaning that the authors do not know who the reviewers are and the reviewers do not know who the authors are. All submitted manuscripts are to be reviewed by three expert reviewers per paper. Reviewers are chosen on the basis of their expertise in the topic area and/or methodology used in the paper.

Each article is judged based solely on its contribution, merits, and alignment with the journal’s mission. Should any revision be required, our instructions to authors are designed to move authors towards a successfully published article. 


The article should include the following components:

  • An introduction
  • A review of the relevant literature 
  • An outline of the research methodology/ research design
  • Research findings
  • A discussion of the results
  • A conclusion and policy recommendations/ recommendations to managers

 The complete Journal guideline for authors can be downloaded from "AJMI Guideline for Authors" in the main page.