Effective Use of Mobile Instant Messaging App business tool LINE@ Empirical Evidence from SMEs in Thailand

  • Mark Rendon Stamford International University
  • Rojanon Krajangwong Stamford International University
Keywords: LINE, LINE@, MIM, SMA, social media app, Thailand, instant messaging application, mobile instant messaging app


Many companies in Thailand are using social media & mobile instant messaging (MIM) application tools for Social Commerce aims, and in their marketing communication channels and digital marketing, promotions & sales strategy. Some companies’ aims are to directly increase sales as a result of the use of MIM, and this study analyzes the effectiveness of the use of the mobile instant messaging tool LINE@ by messaging application LINE corporation in increasing sales, and also its effectiveness of increasing customer segment marketing knowledge & preferences, customer communication, and CRM. The authors of this paper find that this commercial messaging tool, especially developed for SMEs, has marked results on customer communication and feedback, including public relations, target market and customer segmentation, and customer acquisition and sales. Moreover, the tool was found effective in integrated marketing and sales efforts in some cases. The study further showed that the best results were obtained by those companies that used the tools consistently and regularly, though consistently positive results were obtained in all cases. Furthermore, this study tangentially touches on the importance of the emerging MIM Platforms, and their complementary effects.
