What Fashion Shoppers Want from M-Commerce: An Integration of Cognitive and Affective Factors to Explain Satisfaction and Loyalty

  • Panitharn Juntongjin Thammasat University
Keywords: M-Commerce, Mobile Shopping, Fashion, Emotion, Satisfaction, Loyalty


Due to current situation, huge growth rate of mobile users, it is undeniable that M-Commerce has become a huge opportunity as a distribution channel for many firms. In Thailand, fashion product is the most famous product selling online. From the uniqueness of fashion product, emotion is among the factors believing to have impact on satisfaction and loyalty in this context. Nevertheless, from prior research, affective factor (i.e. emotion) has not been integrated with other cognitive factors to explain the satisfaction and loyalty in M-Commerce. The author proposed new model integrating the affective factor with cognitive variables to better explain satisfaction and loyalty in M-Commerce. To emphasize the uniqueness of what fashion shoppers want from M-Commerce, the author compared the impact of the factors on satisfaction and loyalty for general product versus fashion product. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with multi-group techniques was employed to test the hypotheses. The results illustrate that the different types of product leads to different in factors affecting shoppers’ responding outcomes. Firms in fashion and M-Commerce industries can use the proposed model and the results of this study to obtain long- term benefit from effective improving of their customer satisfaction and loyalty.
